The Right Law and Organ Transplants.
                                                                                                                                                                   Hiroshi Maruyama  
 Recently, organ transplants have been conducted in Japan, and modern medicine has been praised for its progress, which may, in turn, be causing a sharp increase in the registration for body donation.
Those who are involved in modern medicine and organ transplants, as well as people in general, may think that their bodies are theirs and they will peacefully fall asleep to return to the other world or disappear as they are when they die.
However, in Reverend Shinji Takahashi's book, The Discovery of Mind (Divine Truth volume; Science volume; Evidence volume), we read that he discovered the self other than his physical body, which tells us that this other self is the "consciousness". He clarified scientifically that this consciousness is one's true self that lives on without ever dying.
Previously, I was allowed to be Reverend Takahashi's disciple to learn and practice the Law, and for these twenty-four years together with my associates, have witnessed the truth by which many people with serious illnesses, whom medical institutions had forsaken, recover one after the other thanks to the greatness of God.
Although in this world, "things" such as physical bodies, honor, status, fortune, and money are apt to be considered everything and essential for happiness. However, such was never so with Reverend Takahashi, but rather, he guided us by saying that the happiest way for us is to live our lives true to our conscience directly connected to our hearts and also, faithfully following the Law (the teachings of Reverend Takahashi).
He also instructed us that we could infinitely gain joy, courage and hope by living the right way.
He has told us that "things" such as honor, status, fortune, money and physical bodies are limited to this world, and are nothing but expedients from which we train ourselves in this world. The proof is that no one ever took things with him or her when they died.
All humans are children of God under Him. He has also told us that it is important to live with respect for our hearts according to the Law, realizing that all living creatures are sustained freely under the shining sun with its heat and light, that all of us are kept alive, equally, brothers and sisters under God, and are given opportunities to teach ourselves how to love by helping, sustaining the lives of, forgiving, complementing, and caring for each other.
He has told us that it is not an acceptable deed that we, as children of God, kill or fight with each other for whatever reasons there may be.
The way for us children of God to live is to appreciate the fact that we are kept alive every instant in this life by energy given from God, and to devote ourselves to the repayment of this kindness.
Our great Reverend Takahashi attained enlightenment and taught the Law (manifestations of the divine mind) to us who were lost.  It is most important to learn this through his books, have courage to apply what we can one by one, and help as many people as possible. Also these very actions will save us.
We must be thankful for circumstances given to us, in which to proclaim that God and Buddha exist, and that we live according to the profound Law.
Helping other people is the only way to change into light one's karma that is derived from the past.
I would like to share accounts of true great healing experiences which modern medicine could not have accomplished.

There were 70 to 80 patients waiting for their turns in front of consultation rooms at the National Cardiovascular Center. Some were quietly reading books; one woman, apparently the wife, was speaking with a preoccupied look to her husband next to her; some had fallen asleep because of the long wait; some looked nervous with fear, waiting to hear the results of their consultations; some appeared calm and used to their situations. Somehow, all of these patients seemed to have the expression of being absorbed in waiting for their turns. I had an operation to replace my cardiac valves 12 years ago in this hospital. As my name was called, I went into the consultation room, and my doctor, referring to my chart, asked me how many operations I had had since my valves were replaced 12 years ago. I didn't know what he meant by how many operations. He asked me how many times I had a replacement operation in those 12 years. Still puzzled by his questions, I said, "Once, just once, Doctor. I have heard that artificial (animal) valves have a limited life span, but is it that short?" He said that they generally last 5 years. He expressed disbelief and great surprise at the fact that my valves had not been replaced for such a long time.
I was also very surprised to find that most patients had operations sooner or later, within 3 years, at the earliest, and at the most, 5 years or so. At the same time, this surprise turned suddenly to joy and emotion filled my heart, and I was so overwhelmed that I could not help saying words of appreciation in my heart, "Thank Thee, Vast Universe, Supreme Divine Spirit and Buddha. My calf valves, I thank you for helping me for such a long time as part of my body. I say this from the bottom of my heart."
When I had the first opportunity to participate in a study meeting in Kanazawa 8 years ago, my wife, who came with me, told Mr. Maruyama that I had had a calf cardiac valve transplant, and asked him if I eventually had to have a replacement operation. Upon hearing this, Mr. Maruyama promptly replied, "It is a matter of time to have problems with them. Every cell of the physical body has consciousness. It is natural to cause disharmony if the cells of different spirits are transplanted into someone else's body. It is necessary to have a person with the spiritual ability ask the consciousness of the calf cells (biological valves) and that of your body cells to cooperate with each other. I will do it for you." He did so right away to have the spirits of both the body cells cooperate, and filled me with light. I still clearly remember him definitely saying to me, "Because your heart has recovered, there is no need to concern yourself with it after having expressed your gratitude."
In those days, I was thinking that calf prosthetic cardiac valves were just things. I had never considered them as having consciousness. So I was not able to understand that Mr. Maruyama was earnestly speaking to my heart.
It is true that if I consider these to be mere things, then I can accept that the average life span of a living entity is about 5 years or so according to medical doctors. It was not until I found them working for 12 years, twice as long as normally expected that I understood the existence of consciousness in all things. Also, this made me realize that these conscious calf valves sacrificed their lives and worked for me.
Having written this much, I am suddenly overwhelmed by my emotion, not able to stop my tears and runny nose from making a mess all over my face. This incessant flow of tears makes me realize that Mr. Maruyama blessed me with profound mercy and love from God, incomprehensible to ordinary minds, and from Great Reverend Takahashi 8 years ago. Moreover, to think of the fact that even a calf sacrificed its life to teach me about love, I was filled with a feeling of much more than gratitude.
I am alive and well today thanks to Mr. Maruyama saving and filling me with light 8 years ago.  Although I will never be able to express my gratitude enough, I must repay the kindness bestowed on me. I would like to tell of my joy at being saved and advocate the greatness of the Right Law to as many people as possible.
(An experience of Noboru Yamada, printed in "The Light" Magazine, August 1996)

I had a fracture in the neck of my right thighbone in June 1993, and left the hospital in the middle of August. In March of the following year, I was operated on again to have a metal reinforcement removed from the bone, and left the hospital in April. After walking with a cane for 2 months, everything being well, I was able to return to my normal life in the middle of June.
However, I began to feel more and more pain everyday around summer. I gradually ended up limping, and had intense pain, especially when rising to walk from a sitting position.
Late in fall when it became cold, I was in so much pain that I could not roll over in bed at night, and when I wanted to put my right foot over my left thigh while sitting in a chair, it was too painful to lift my foot on its own and I had to raise it with my hands to cross my legs.
I thought that the pain was caused by the cold weather and was a passing stage, as I heard that pain like this would persist for 3 years. However, I had very complicated feelings everyday over why it was so painful, wondered what on earth was going on, and I even wanted to consult Mr. Maruyama about it, but I let the days pass by.
On December 20th, late in the year, my doctor showed me an X-ray of my femur, told me that its head portion appeared to be broken, and suggested that it be inspected by MRI. The result looked to him that the structure of the upper portion of the femoral head was in a state of necrosis (no blood circulation to the bone). He stated that his diagnosis was wrong in that the structure was alive when I left the hospital, but in fact, it was dead, and that he would consult someone in a group specializing in research of necrosis of the femoral head in Japan, who was an associate professor at Faculty of Medicine, Kanazawa University and happened to be free in the morning the following day.
That night, I reflected how this came to happen.
Having partial necrosis in my hip joint and being in constant pain from it, how poorly had I treated myself since last April when I left the hospital, without seriously studying why I was born in this world! What was I doing knowing that there was no leisure time to spare? I had little gratitude for my own body, which brought about partial necrosis of it. Everything was the result of my own thinking and doing. What became of that great joy of coming into contact with the Law and being saved? What became of my convictions with which I proclaimed at a testimony meeting that God truly exists? Where did my serious attitude toward each day go? Did I thank God first thing in the morning when I got up for being alive? Did I always bear God and Buddha in my consciousness? Was I expressing gratitude to everything around me keeping me alive? Was I always grateful for my own body? Was I able to be my own self-expressing appreciation for all things in nature?  What a fool I was to be seized by my passions! What a wretched being I was! While I was following the path of the Right Law.
It was diagnosed the next day in the hospital that more than 1/3 of the femoral head was in a state of necrosis, and the portion below was depressed, which was causing pain. I was told that in the case of hip joint operations, a percentage of patients would develop necrosis in their femoral heads, and the only way available was to remove about 30 centimeters of the femur, including the dead portion, to be replaced by a metallic, artificial joint. Nevertheless, my mind was not disturbed by this, but rather calm, knowing:
Nothing is impossible for God and Buddha.
Blessed are those who believe in the Right Law.
The next day when I visited Mr. Maruyama and reported the situation to him, he prayed to God right away, and filled me with light. I felt something hot conducting from his hands to my body. He poured light into me for a fairly long time, then as he said with a pat on my shoulder that he was all done, and suggested that I take a step or two, I stood up to walk--thank God--without any pain in spite of having been sitting down just before. I was so amazed and moved by the magnitude of his work; I was so happy and grateful that I fell flat before Mr. Maruyama to express words of gratitude with a stream of tears. That is right. That is exactly right. A miracle happened to me, someone who had been in the depths of insecurity, suffering from pain till just then. I was given an opportunity to experience, through my foolish body, the greatness of God and Buddha, and the true and living God saved me.
Observing me walk, Mr. Maruyama told me that I still had a slight limp and that I should walk properly. So I tried to do so, and I found myself able to walk just fine in the correct posture with no pain whatsoever; I had been dragging my foot because I was accustomed to it from many days of compensating for my right leg.
After coming home and being able to change my pants and socks without any pain, without any problems, I felt warm tears welling up because I used to do so leaning on something or with my feet on the floor. Day after day, I occupied Mr. Maruyama's precious time by having him fill me with light for 7 times almost every night. On the 3rd night, when I unknowingly rolled over right and left on the bed while waking up in the morning, and when I noticed that it did not hurt at all, I had a great surge of emotion with tears of joy and gratitude, and found myself tearfully telling my wife lying next to me that my leg did not hurt at all thanks to the divine light, and that I was saved by Mr. Maruyama.
He gave me his great love. What a great love it is! I felt a burning in my bosom.
With his hand over the fractured portion of my thigh, he deeply bowed and said words of gratitude to God and Buddha many times from his heart:
Vast Universe, Great Divine Spirit and Buddha, we were born in this world from heaven by relationships with our parents and by promises with God. We vowed to each other to live hand in hand with other people for the purpose of attaining harmony through mercy and love. However, after being born in this earthly world, we forgot our promises to God, trifled with by our surroundings, education, ideologies, customs and senses; we lost our spirits of mercy and love, but lived until today. God, please forgive our sins. Now, coming in contact with the Right Law and looking back upon our past full of errors, we feel suffocated by our foolishness of self-preservation and insatiable greed. We will remember our promises to God, reflect every day to correct ourselves and go on to fulfill our missions with the Creed of Mind as our mental nourishment. Bless our hearts with thy light. Help us bring forth Buddha's Paradise. I truly thank Thee for providing light for this person's disharmonious body and healing him this way. I thank Thee from the bottom of my heart. Thank Thee. Thank Thee. Thank Thee.
He poured light into my hip joint cells every day like this, and persuaded the body cells,
"Consciousness of the body cells, forgive this person for lacking care for and gratitude to you. He has vowed to apply himself to the manifestations of the divine mind. Revive so that he may be able to complete the rest of his life. Then assist him in his remaining training of life. Also, all of you, unlaid spirits, who haunt this person, part from around him. You must not disturb his training. To disturb a child of God in his training will only make your sins more serious and you will suffer more. Leave here in peace."

Mr. Maruyama expelled all the spirits that were clinging to me, asked God for His forgiveness on my behalf, filled my entire body as well as my weakened body cells with light. He told me that he could discern the affected portions of my body although he was not a doctor. He said, "It hurts here, does it not? How am I able to locate your pain without your telling me? I think it is because I am given the Lord's guidance. Do not forget to show appreciation for your body. You must never have thoughts or actions contrary to the Law."
Then he showed me how to take care of my body including each one of my fingers.
Several days later, he phoned me and said, "Mr. Sakai, I just came back from a study meeting in Toyama. How have you been?"
I felt so grateful for the warm consideration, which he often paid me, that I could not stop shedding tears for awhile after I hung up the phone.
Whenever I called him on the phone to thank him, he never failed to ask me about the progress of my condition. Once he said, "I have been telling my wife about you, that you have recovered so fast because you, as the recipient of light, have such a fine spirit. It is most important to firmly hold on to your belief in God and Buddha and faith in the Law." He was as happy about the daily progress of my leg's recovery as if it were his own.
I renewed my appreciation for having such a fortunate opportunity to enjoy the results of extraordinary devotions made by Mr. Maruyama, who followed the true divine way. Moreover, I firmly swore to myself never to let my heart go astray from God and Buddha and the Law even for an instant. I have never been as grateful as this for his trusting, caring for and giving infinite love to someone as foolish as I am. Trust and love between people must be matters of the world of God and Buddha, where people come to believe in God and gain the courage to repay for kindness. I have felt the same way in that I must devote myself and offer the truth of love to other people.
Mr. Maruyama explained to me that I had little appreciation for my body and that passions would draw demons. He also asked me if we still had something at home to worship at. He said that it would be utterly blasphemous to worship the wrong gods while praying to God all the time, that family disputes would naturally have something to do with this, and that our home altar had been nested by evil spirits. He suggested that I immediately practice living properly according to the Law, assuring me that my leg would never hurt if I observed the above three principles.
Even though I was told that our altar did not have the right gods, I left it alone, seeing my mother clasp her hands before it, and thought that I would not be able to put it away during her lifetime.
"That is only what you have been thinking about, but not what you really told your mother, is it not? Did you not do away with it by your own imagination without explaining the right things to her? Your mother will go to hell if you leave her alone. If you sincerely tell her that there are no right gods in the altar, she cannot but listen to and believe what no other person than her beloved son says." He instructed me through his own experience.
Another time he instructed me, saying, "You should remember that many people related to you have been waiting to come in contact with the Right Law. Your lack of courage would mean that those souls who had made promises in the other world might end up returning there without being saved. I deem it a great responsibility for those who have embraced the faith in the Law."
I sincerely felt that I must stand up firmly for volunteering to disseminate the Right Law, otherwise, I would not be able to repay the kindness of God and Buddha that has saved me, and that I must have those who are lost and worried know the existence of the world of light.
As my leg ceased to hurt, and as directed by Mr. Maruyama to consult the doctor about it, I had a reexamination on January 7. My doctor studied the X-ray images, compared them with those taken 2 weeks earlier, told me my lower subcapital bones were recovering well, checked how the leg joints moved, and told me to walk. After making sure that these movements caused no pain, he concluded his diagnosis that an operation was not necessary.
In no more than 2 weeks I had experienced the difference between heaven and hell. It was truly the gospel from God and the Lord that I was bestowed with. I have deepened my conviction that nothing is impossible for God and that blessed are those who believe in Him.
Mr. Maruyama advised me first to start contributing an article to "The Light" magazine about my joy of being saved to express appreciation for it. He explained, "It is important to proclaim your joy a thousand times with a full heart to many people. That is what it means to have faith in and repay the kindness of God and Buddha.  Your heart will, if you keep your joy inside it, shrink from suffering. To proclaim, you should do so, not mumbling, but in a clear and loud voice. There, you will even be able to make your joy grow. You have a habit of omitting what is important when you speak, do you not? Don't include such personal judgments as to dismiss what you think as being useless to say. You should disclose and say all you have in your heart as it is. That would make people in this world happy,and their guardian spirits will also appreciate what they have heard; the more they tell these things in the heavenly world,the healthier your heart will become. And when you hear episodes of salvation by God and Buddha,it is important to do so with gratitude."
He also instructed, "Every time you speak about being saved at the discretion of God and Buddha, all those who have been saved in the same way will remember their own joyous experiences in the past and continue to speak of them. Also, these "acts" of repayment for kindness will also help you cultivate a deeper faith in God and Buddha, and open up a way to happiness."
(An experience of Hiroshi Sakai, printed in "The Light" Magazine, March and April 1995)

I have shown you here articles published in "The Light" Magazines of joy experienced by two persons, and I have also been given accounts of many healing experiences of the body and consciousness. (Refer to back numbers.)
First of all, I would like all medical doctors and scientists in the world to read, as soon as possible, two sets of books by the great Reverend Shinji Takahashi: (i) The Discovery of Mind (Divine Truth volume; Science volume; Evidence volume), and (ii) Human Buddha, Parts 1 through 4.
Moreover, I hope that the worlds of modern science as well as medicine learn well from the great teachings of Reverend Shinji Takahashi and become the right medicine and science to contribute to mankind.
In addition, all we children of God must sincerely praise the great guide spirit on the higher grade who appeared on this planet in the name of Shinji Takahashi as predicted by Gautama Buddha 2500 years ago, and vow to faithfully and correctly keep practicing the teachings.
It is not until then that the earth will become as God wishes, peaceful and full of light.

With Reverend Takahashi's poem:

Searching for the light of God and Buddha for so many years,
What enlightened me was that Buddha was my heart.

I humbly dedicate this article to the great Reverend, Shinji Takahashi.
March 30, 1999

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